Dear World Road Statistics (WRS) Customer,
Thank you for your previous purchase of the WRS. As you have previously been informed via email, we are delighted to announce that the World Road Statistics have welcomed a big shift that we had been pushing for over the past few years: the most recent six years of data are now publicly available through our IRF WRS Data Warehouse platform. We are convinced that this shift and broad access to these data will allow the transport sector to move forward faster and better. This transformation has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the TotalEnergies Foundation and Michelin Corporate Foundation. We would like to thank you for your past WRS purchases which enabled us to deliver this important annual piece of work. Selling the data was never a profit-making activity for our non-profit Federation, but rather a necessity to recover the significant annual cost of producing this piece of work.
You are seeing this message as your existing IRF Data Warehouse account has been automatically converted to a free access for the most recent six years of IRF WRS data. To obtain access, please read and confirm consent to the below Terms & Conditions.
Please note that the IRF WRS Millennium data (data 2000-2022) will still be available for sale. We are delighted to offer you a 20% returning customer discount on this updated data set spanning the past 23 years. Please contact us at should you wish to discuss purchase of IRF WRS Millennium data.
Dear National Correspondent,
Thank you once again for supporting our World Road Statistics (WRS) 2024 edition data collection and for providing us with input for your country. Thanks to you, our Statistics are becoming ever more comprehensive and informative. With your help, we have managed to include more than 200 road and transport-sector related indicators across 11 sections, covering over 200 countries and territories in this 61st edition of the World Road Statistics.
As you may already know, the World Road Statistics were able to welcome a big shift that we had been pushing for over the past few years: the most recent six years of data are now publicly available through our IRF WRS Data Warehouse platform. We are convinced that this shift and broad access to these data will allow the transport sector to move forward faster and better. This transformation has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the TotalEnergies Foundation and Michelin Corporate Foundation.
To express our gratitude for your support this year, we are delighted to further provide you with exclusive complimentary access to the World Road Statistics 2024 (years 2017-2022) Excel edition.
You are seeing this message as your existing IRF Data Input Portal account has been automatically converted to include a free access for the most recent six years of IRF WRS data through the IRF Data Warehouse, as well as access to download the 2024 Excel edition. To obtain access, please read and confirm consent to the below Terms & Conditions.
Please note that the IRF WRS Millennium data (data 2000-2022) will still be available for sale. We are delighted to offer you a 20% THANK YOU discount on this updated data set spanning the past 23 years. Please contact us at should you wish to discuss purchase of IRF WRS Millennium data.
Dear National Correspondent,
As you may already know, the World Road Statistics were able to welcome a big shift that we had been pushing for over the past few years: the most recent six years of data are now publicly available through our IRF WRS Data Warehouse platform. We are convinced that this shift and broad access to these data will allow the transport sector to move forward faster and better. This transformation has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the TotalEnergies Foundation and Michelin Corporate Foundation.
You are seeing this message as your existing IRF Data Input Portal account has been automatically converted to include free access for the most recent six years of IRF WRS data through the IRF Data Warehouse. To obtain access, please read and confirm consent to the below Terms & Conditions.
Please note that the IRF WRS Millennium data (data 2000-2022) will still be available for sale. Please contact us at should you wish to discuss purchase of IRF WRS Millennium data.
For more information, such as background on the World Road Statistics and definitions, please click here.